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창세기의 옛 뱀(=큰 용)/동양과 서양의 전설속의 용

동양(중국 / 일본)의 용 신화와 상징

고대 중국의 용 신화와 상징






Dragon Myths and Symbols From Ancient China | LoveToKnow

In ancient China, dragons were not just an important symbol, but they represented the bloodline of Chinese royalty. Throughout ancient China, dragons are depicted in temple architecture and numerous artifacts. Considered by the modern western world to be d



중국 용 상징의 의미와 신화 설명





Chinese Dragon Symbol Meaning and Mythology Explained | LoveToKnow

From majestic statues and colorful paintings to calligraphy scrolls and detailed drawings, each Chinese dragon symbol represents the power of the auspicious mythical creature and the powerful sheng chi it releases through each breath. You can tap into this


일본 용의 상징, 신화 및 의미


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